Open Opportunity: Rapid Response Fund Apply

From the Movement, for the Movement

Groundswell Fund is one of the largest funders of women of color-led organizing in the United States and of the Reproductive Justice (RJ) Movement.

We’ve spent nearly two decades building an irrigation system to resource social justice movements – a channel into which individual donors and foundations can pour resources to reach vital work at the grassroots.

Established in 2017, Groundswell Action Fund, our 501(c)(4) has already played a pivotal role and had a front-row seat to the gritty, remarkable electoral work that has preserved so much in these late years

In this political moment, many of us don’t fully understand the energy that is happening on the ground. But Groundswell does because it has a long-term relationship with base organizations. A partnership with Groundswell can help any funder to be more impactful. Guillermo Quinteros
Senior Fellow and Director of the IRG Hub at Amalgamated Foundation

CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities

Image courtesy of CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities

Our 501(c)(3) Mission

Groundswell Fund strengthens U.S. movements for reproductive and social justice by resourcing intersectional grassroots organizing and centering the leadership of women of color – particularly those who are Black, Indigenous, and transgender.

Meet Our Team

Changing Woman Initiative

We Provide Essential, Long-Term, Flexible Funding

We remain designed by women of color and trans and gender-expansive people of color – including many of the most prominent grassroots movement leaders of our time. Groundswell’s approach is thoughtful, sound, and well-aimed at the most promising and impactful organizations.

We are proof that when a foundation is run by and for those who come out of grassroots organizing, the giving looks different.

Image courtesy of Changing Woman Initiative

Transgender, Gender variant and Intersex Justice Project

We Bring People and Investors Together to Make Bold Change

Our belief that intersectional organizing plays a critical role within social change means that our grantmaking is broad, and our blueprints are sharp.

Over a thousand individual donors of all races and genders and 40 private foundations give into Groundswell.

Women of color and transgender and gender-expansive people of color who come out of grassroots organizing lead, decide where the resources go, and receive funds.

Learn More About What We Do

Image courtesy of Transgender, Gender variant and Intersex Justice Project

Bold Futures

Reproductive Health and Rights Victories In an Era of Backlash

In the midst of rising totalitarianism and fascism in the U.S., Bold Futures’ and Strong Families New Mexico helped overturn a 1969 statute that criminalized abortion.

Learn More