Integrated Voter Engagement, part of our capacity building efforts, is a program that equips organizations with resources and strategies to engage historically underrepresented populations in policy, systems change, and the democratic process, both during and beyond election cycles.
Aligned with Groundswell’s Blueprint, our Capacity Building Program, which includes our Integrated Voter Engagement Program and Grassroots Organizing Institute, sharpens our shared vision, strategies, and tactics to build a multiracial, feminist democracy.
Our Capacity Building Program is oriented around three key areas:
Political Education: Groundswell Fund activates our theory-to-action continuum in practice with our grantee partners. By supporting access to the theories, texts, and leaders that help bridge issue-specific causes with shared understanding.
Infrastructure & Internal Systems: We plan to work with a movement-trusted organizational development provider in order to build out the infrastructure of their internal systems.
Whole-Person, Whole-Organization: We believe in whole-person, whole-organization leadership and power-building. In addition to supporting access to safer strategy workshop space for RJ executive-level staff, we’re also connecting skill-building opportunities for mid-level management staff. By making space for healing justice in this work, like the Windcall Institute, we can increase the capacity of movement leadership.
Read more about our current Blueprint based on grantee feedback and the input of national, local, and global leaders in social and reproductive justice.
Asked and Answered. Capacity Building Creates a New Set Point.
Groundswell Fund moves from the underlying principle grassroots power is built and maintained through strong organizations with the infrastructure and the agility to deliver real change in the lives of people in their communities.
When we asked our grantee partners how we could support them in leaning into an opportunity to skill and scale their grassroots power…they responded.
Our programs are opt-in, and participation is not required to receive grant funding. Some examples of our capacity-building offers include:
Tools and technology to assess and scale impact
Coaching to foster peer learning and support among grantee organizations. Our coaches are some of the most seasoned people of color, women of color, transgender and gender-expansive grassroots and electoral organizing expert practitioners from across the country
Training on cutting-edge techniques for voter engagement and grassroots power-building
Funding to support the staffing and infrastructure needed for organizations to increase their impact
Political education to deepen the race, class, gender, and decolonization analysis of organizations
Mind-body modalities to support the health and sustainability of leaders and organizations.
Khmer Girls in Action
A community-based organization whose mission is to build a progressive and sustainable Long Beach community that works for gender, racial and economic justice led by Southeast Asian young women, Khmer Girls in Action worked to pass a $1 million budget to support the Youth Strategic Plan. The Youth Strategic Plan is the result of five years of efforts to support the Invest in Youth Campaign.
Deeply Investing in Voter Engagement
Groundswell’s Integrated Voter Engagement (IVE) program supports leading Reproductive Justice organizations with a deep investment of resources in order to increase nonpartisan integrated voter engagement.
IVE helps build capacity to engage historically underrepresented populations in policy, systems change, and the democratic process within and beyond election cycles.
The IVE program tracks progress in four areas:
leadership development/mentoring
ally/partnership development
public official relationship identification and cultivation
Image courtesy of Centro Por La Justicia
IVE Program Details
Each participating organization will receive the following:
Grant support
A $75,000 general support grant to cover a portion of the staff time needed to participate in the IVE and meet the programmatic benchmarks and goals.
A $40,000 grant to cover the costs of running year-round IVE campaigns.
Political education
Ongoing education rooted in race, gender, class, and decolonization lens to create a shared understanding of the theories, strategies, and foundational texts that unify “organizers” across sectors. The education will be integrated into trainings so that the skills-building trainings and workshops are a part of the theory-to-action continuum and support the year-round IVE campaigns.
Intensive, in-person/virtual gatherings with other cohort members for co-learning, skills-building, and relationship building. Skills-building workshops include trainings on how to:
Recruit and retain members/volunteers
Utilize a Leadership Ladder of Engagement
Identify community-informed issue priorities
Develop a sophisticated analysis of the political landscape including clear power maps informing strategic campaign plans
Manage alliance and coalition dynamics to advance your organization’s campaign
Execute strategic communications that build the base and shape the narrative
Have an effective one-on-one (and track it!)
Develop and implement strategic, grassroots-led policy and issue campaigns
Analyze data
Navigate a Voter file and Internal CRM
Implement the foundations of Digital Organizing
Direct coaching and mentorship
This includes up to 80 hours annually with a seasoned organizer who will coach key staff within the organization to develop internal systems to support effective organizing, design a campaign(s), create an achievable work plan(s), and implement that plan effectively.
Database access and training
All participating organizations will have access to tools, technology, and resources to develop a full functional year-round Integrated Voter Engagement program
Development and execution of mailers
As part of a layered strategy to increase the organization’s community profile and to support the impact of canvassing, phoning, media, etc.
Access to legal counsel
For all participating organizations to ensure full 501(c)(3) compliance for civic engagement activities. All materials and phone and canvass scripts are vetted by Groundswell’s legal counsel.
Evaluation support
Organizations develop, with help from their coach, an IVE work plan that tracks impact.
Healing Justice
Access to self-care and mind-body self-awareness modalities — such as Somatics, Forward Stance, mindfulness meditation, and yoga — which accelerate culture change, build group cohesion, and foster sustainability in movement-building work.
IVE Program is Non-Partisan
All voter education, get out the vote, and election and voter protection activities will be conducted in a non-partisan manner in compliance with IRS rules and regulations and will not constitute prohibited political activity.
Groundswell and the organizations it provides support to will not express support or opposition for any particular candidate or party and will not target potential voters by referring to issues that divide the candidates.
Groundswell and the organizations it provides support to will review proposed activities with outside legal counsel to ensure that all activities are consistent with the Internal Revenue Code.